A bright, happy and double sided homage to the saturated colours of our youth (can you tell we were kids in the 80's?!), this collection is equal parts fun and functional!
1x Mon ⏰ Side 1: MON, Side 2: Alarm Clock Illustration
Colours | Mid Green Background, Cream and Watermelon
1x Tues ? Side 1: TUES, Side 2: Broccoli
Colours | Coral Background, Cream and Mid Green
1x Wed ? Side 1: WED, Side 2: Happy Face
Colours | Mid Purple, Cream and Yellow
1x Thurs ✏️ Side 1: THURS, Side 2: Pencil
Colours: Light Blue, Cream and Orange
1x Fri ✈ Side 1: FRI, Side 2: Origami Plane
Colours: Dark Blue, Cream and Grey
1x Sat ? Side 1: SAT, Side 2: Ice Cream
Colours: Orange, Cream and Pinks
1x Sun ? Side 1: SUN, Side 2: Watermelon
Colours: Turquoise, Cream and Watermelon
21mm x 18mm (including seam allowance).
Label Type:
Side Seam
How to attach:
This side seam label is ideally sewn into the garment (either inside or displayed visibly) by inserting into a seam allowance or facing.