Vintage lace brooch project
Posted by Fabric Godmother on 1st Jan 1970
My Great Aunt Maddie left among her belongings a fabulous bag of old lace, she had been collecting it for years. I have kept it all this time, I didn't know what I would do with it but knew it would come in handy one day. Then in our recent house move I came across it again and with the Great Britishness (not sure that is a word, but I like it) we have been having this summer it inspired me to make a rosette brooch. (Perfect project for an August Bank Holiday)
What you need:
50 cm Vintage lace (approx 2.5cm wide)
50cm Wide ribbon (a little wider than the lace)
Safety Pin
1 Vintage Button
Needle & Thread
1. Start off by using running stitch along one side of the lace.
2. Finish about 20cms from the end (to allow for a tail)
3. Pull the stitching tight to create a rosette shape and stitch in place
4. Repeat this stage with the ribbon, you will end up with 2 rosettes
5. Lie the lace rosette on top of the ribbon and sew through both to secure
6. Add the button to the centre, sewing though all layers for extra strength
7. Finally sew a safety pin the back of your brooch and wear with pride!
Happy sewing xxx
Happy Bank Holiday xxx