

Posted by Fabric Godmother on 1st Jan 1970

I am very excited to be joining in with Me Made May this year. In case you don't know what this is hop over to So, Zo... What do you know? blog to find out more about it.
I really wanted to join in last year but with my baby due mid June my wardrobe was already limited to leggings and baggy T shirts I wasn't sure I could cut that down to only me made ones. Especially as I couldn't really fit behind my sewing machine and had only made myself one maternity item, a Megan Nielsen Rie dress. (P.S. Did you hear Megan Nielsen patterns coming back into print - woop woop we are very exited about this here at Fabric Godmother and will have them back in stock as soon as they are available) So here is my pledge...

'I, Josie from Fabric Godmother, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one handmade item each day for the duration of May 2015'

I know it is not about making loads of new things especially but I will be any way because it is a great excuse to get stuck into some new sewing projects. I am planning another Belcarra this time in an Ikat print crepe de chine. I also fancy a gathered skirt in this navy linen and cotton mix.  I will of course be making a Tilly and the buttons Arielle skirt (available to pre order now on our website) fabric still undecided.

I am also using it as a kick up the bum to start on that pile of mending clogging up the end of my sewing table. I began to tackle this at my first ever sewing Bee (I know I can't believe it I have been sewing for as long as I can remember and have never linked up with fellow sewers in this way) As well as having a good old natter and lovely cake at the Brighton Sewing Bees monthly Sewing Sewcial (try saying that after a couple of G&Ts) I used the evening to unpick broken zips ready to be replaced.

We are planning a holiday to Italy in May as well so it will be a challenge take a hand made wardrobe with me. I always pack my holiday wardrobes in coordinating colours usually navy and white with a bright pop of colour such as orange or pink. Sadly I don't sew this way so my handmade wardrobe is every colour and style under the sun like this Saltspring so it will be an interesting fusion of clothes I pack. It has got me thinking that maybe I should start to plan my sewing into a colour palette *starts planning new pinterest board and future blog post*

Are you joining in MMMay? What are you pledging?

Happy sewing xxx