
Are you a sew alongist?

Posted by Fabric Godmother on 1st Jan 1970

When Colette patterns launched the Aster blouse I was smitten, a simple everyday top with pretty variations. It is described as an intermediate pattern so should not be too much of a challenge for me as I have a fair bit of sewing under my belt. However I have decided to join in with the sewalong. I have never done a sewalong before, always been a bit of a rebel dressmaking going my own way and figuring it out as I go.
But more and more recently I have realised that there is a lot that I can learn and improve on by taking some direction and guidance from others. By doing so the clothes I make are better, as in I finish them properly and they fit me better. As a result I wear them more. Pre Me Made May I didn't wear my handmade clothes that much as I always thought I preferred the RTW clothes I in my wardrobe.  But wearing things that I had made that didn't look handmade and people complemented me on, the penny dropped. I also find my sewing much more enjoyable, less unpicking for a start and certainly less frustrating. OK so it has taken my 37 years but I am finally learning to listen to other people!

If you want to join the sewalong click the button at the bottom of the post. If you have not yet got your copy of the Aster blouse you can buy it here. If you want to see how my sewalong is going follow me on Instagram where I will post updates.

Happy sewing xxx

Join the aster Sewalong!